2 men in black jacket wearing helmet during daytime

Servei de Taller

Oferim reparacions professionals per a motos noves i de segona mà amb un equip expert.

Reparacions Ràpides

El nostre taller garanteix un servei ràpid i eficient per a totes les teves necessitats.

A vibrant red motorcycle is parked indoors on a polished floor. Behind it, a white motorcycle is displayed alongside several motorcycle suits on mannequins. Several people are engaged in conversation in the background. Tall wooden doors are open to a green lawn outside.
A vibrant red motorcycle is parked indoors on a polished floor. Behind it, a white motorcycle is displayed alongside several motorcycle suits on mannequins. Several people are engaged in conversation in the background. Tall wooden doors are open to a green lawn outside.
Accessoris Personalitzats

Si no trobes un accessori, consulta'ns i t'ajudarem a trobar el que necessites.

Amb més de 20 anys d'experiència, el nostre equip està preparat per atendre't amb professionalitat.

Equip Professional
A motorcycle is parked on a tiled floor near a glass window. It has a green body with the label 'CC110' and 'Honda' visible. Behind the motorcycle, there is a large plant with broad leaves, and the window reflects a hair design shop with a visible name 'ANDALUZ'. The scene includes a mix of indoor and outdoor elements, with natural light illuminating the area.
A motorcycle is parked on a tiled floor near a glass window. It has a green body with the label 'CC110' and 'Honda' visible. Behind the motorcycle, there is a large plant with broad leaves, and the window reflects a hair design shop with a visible name 'ANDALUZ'. The scene includes a mix of indoor and outdoor elements, with natural light illuminating the area.
A close-up view of the rear of a motorcycle, prominently displaying a license plate marked 'DEPS M001'. The motorcycle has the word 'DUCATI' marked clearly on the black seat or tank area. The surroundings are slightly blurred but suggest a garage or workshop environment.
A close-up view of the rear of a motorcycle, prominently displaying a license plate marked 'DEPS M001'. The motorcycle has the word 'DUCATI' marked clearly on the black seat or tank area. The surroundings are slightly blurred but suggest a garage or workshop environment.

Benvinguts al món de la moto: concessionari i taller de motos noves i de segona mà a Andorra

Què trobareu a 4T Motors?

Som un concessionari multimarca de motos.

Estem altament especialitzats en la venda de motos de carretera i off road.

Tenim a la venda motos noves i de segona mà.

Tenim un taller de reparacions de motos amb un equip altament professional.

Hi ha algun accessori que no trobes? Sota petició, també venem accessoris per a motos i pilot.

A 4T Motors, posem la nostra experiència al teu servei.

A small, illuminated repair shop is nestled within a dimly lit urban environment. The shop is busy with activity as a person repairs a scooter and another individual sits nearby, seemingly engaged in conversation or rest. Various scooters are parked outside, some with visible signage, while the shop's interior is cluttered with tools and parts.
A small, illuminated repair shop is nestled within a dimly lit urban environment. The shop is busy with activity as a person repairs a scooter and another individual sits nearby, seemingly engaged in conversation or rest. Various scooters are parked outside, some with visible signage, while the shop's interior is cluttered with tools and parts.

Ubicació Taller

El nostre taller de motos ofereix serveis professionals a Andorra, amb més de 20 anys d'experiència en reparacions i manteniment.


Av. Fiter i Rossell, 21, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra


DILLUNS 8:30 –13:00, 15:00–19:00

DIMARTS 8:30 –13:00, 15:00–19:00

DIMECRES 8:30 –13:00, 15:00–19:00

DIJOUS 8:30 –13:00, 15:00–19:00

DIVENDRES 8:30 –14:30

Cap de Setmana tancat